Discipline Name
Subject Name
Managerial Economics
Dr. Trupti Mishra
IIT Bombay
L1-Introduction to Managerial Economics
L2-Introduction to Managerial Economics [Contd�]
L3-Introduction to Managerial Economics [Contd�]
L4-Basic Tools of Economic Analysis and Optimization Techniques
L5-Basic Tools of Economic Analysis and Optimization Techniques [Contd�]
L6-Basic Tools of Economic Analysis and Optimization Techniques [Contd�]
L7-Basic Tools of Economic Analysis and Optimization Techniques [Contd�]
L8-Theory of Demand
L9-Theory of Demand [Contd�]
L10-Theory of Demand [Contd�]
L11-Theory of Demand [Contd�]
L12-Consumer Behaviour
L13-Consumer Behaviour [Contd�]
L14-Elasticity of Supply
L15-Demand Forecasting
L16-Demand Forecasting [Contd�]
L17-Theory of Production
L18-Theory of Production [Contd�]
L19-Theory of Production [Contd�]
L20-Theory of Cost
L21-Theory of Cost [Contd�]
L22-Theory of Cost [Contd�]
L23-Theory of Cost [Contd�]
L24-Theory of Market
L25-Perfect Competition
L26-Perfect Competition [Contd�]
L28-Monopoly [Contd�]
L29-Monopoly [Contd�]
L32-Oligopoly [Contd�]
L33-Oligopoly [Contd�]
L34-Oligopoly [Contd�]
L35-Oligopoly and Game Theory
L36-Oligopoly and Game Theory [Contd�]
L37-Game Theory / Product Pricing
L38-Product Pricing
L39-Product Pricing [Contd�]
Organisation Management
Prof. Vinayshil Gautam
IIT Delhi
Introduction to Organization Management,Nature ,Scope and Complexity
Longitudinal thinking and legacy factor:Organizational Growth
Longitudinal thinking and legacy factor:Organizational Growth(Contd.)
Longitudinal thinking and legacy factor:Organizational Growth(Contd..)
Theory and majors schools of Thought and Framework of Organizational Analysis
Theory and majors schools of thought and framework of organizational analysis(contd.)
Theory and majors schools of thought and framework of organizational analysis(contd..)
Systems contingency approach to organization theory and practice; techniques of organizational diagnosis
Systems contingency approach to organization theory and practice; techniques of organizational diagnosis(contd)
Systems contingency approach to organization theory and practice; techniques of organizational diagnosis(contd..)
Theory of organizational structures � nature and consequence of structure
Theory of organizational structures � nature and consequence of structure(contd.)
Socio-culture dimension of work and behavior
Socio-culture dimension of work and behavior(contd)
Socio-culture dimension of work and behavior (contd..)
Impact of environment and cultural variables on organization structure & style
Impact of environment and cultural variables on organization structure & style(contd1)
Impact of environment and cultural variables on organization structure & style(contd2)
Organization Change and Organisation Development
Organization Change and Organisation Development(contd)
Intervention strategies for organization development � individual, Group and Interpersonal Interventions
Intervention strategies for organization development � individual, Group & interpersonal interventions(contd.)
Intervention strategies for organization development � individual, Group & interpersonal interventions(contd..)
Total System Intervention & Stabilizing Change Management by Objectives
Total System Intervention & Stabilizing Change Management by Objectives(contd.)
Total System Intervention & Stabilizing Change Management by Objectives(contd..)
Nature of Organisational Processes
Nature of Organisational Processes(Contd.)
Nature of Organisational Processes(Contd..)
Environmental analysis Techniques and impact for organizational growth
Environmental analysis Techniques and impact for organizational growth(contd.)
Environmental analysis Techniques and impact for organizational growth(contd..)
Issues of Mechnisation, Automation and Computerisation
Issues of Mechnisation, Automation and Computerisation(contd.)
Organisation Interdependence
Organisation Interdependence(contd.)
Organisation Interdependence(contd..)
Organisation Evaluation
Organisation Evaluation (contd_1)
Organisation Evaluation (contd_2)
Organisation of Engineering Systems and Human Resources Management
Prof. Vinayshil Gautam
IIT Delhi
Introduction to the subject and the course
Understanding organizations: nature and functions
Understanding organizations: nature and functions contd
Concerns of organising engineering business and systems
Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd
Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd..
Structure and process issues in running organisations
Structure and process issues in running organisations contd.
Design issues in running organisations
Design issues in running organisations contd.
Operating organizations
Operating organizations Contd.
Operating organizations Contd..
Cybernetics and systems framework
Cybernetics and systems framework Contd
Socio-technical systems
Socio-technical systems Contd.
Socio-technical systems Contd..
Dealing with efficiency and excellence
Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd.
Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd..
Man-machine relationship
Man-machine relationship Contd.
Longitudinal Thinking
Longitudinal Thinking Contd.
Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment
Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd.
Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd..
Developing teams and leadership
Developing teams and leadership Contd.
Understanding motivation
Understanding motivation Contd.
Elements of human resources planning
Elements of human resources planning Contd.
Elements of human resources planning Contd..
Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial
Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd.
Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd..
Introduction to Stochastic Processes and its Applications
Dr. Raghu Nandan Sengupta
IIT Kanpur
Introduction to Stochastic Process
Random Walks
Markov Chains
Markov Process
Posson Process
Derivation of Poisson Process
Poisson Process Continued
Some other cocenpts related to Poisson Process
Branching process
Application of Markov Chains
Application of Markov Process
Weiner Process
Differential Equation for Weiner Process
Renewal Theory
Renewal Theory Continued
Proof of Renewal Theory
Limit Theorems
Renewal Process Continued
Application of Renewal Theory
New Multi-Stage Sampling Procedure
Theoretical Backgground for the Simulation Study to study Sequential Sampling Procedures
Practical Application of Sequential Sampling Procedure
More Practical Application of Sequential Sampling Procedure
Random woalk and other areas
Diffusion Process
Properties of Brownian Motion
Random Walks in more than one dimension
Application of stochastic processes in Queueing Theory
Examples of application of stochastic processes in Queueing Theory
Application of stochastic processes in Scheduling with examples
Scheduling Rules
Application of stochastic processes in Manufacturing with examples
Profit Maximization in Manufacturing Process
Option Pricing
Black-Scholes Model
Application of renewal theorey in Marketing with examples
Examples of Application of renewal theorey in Marketing
Application of Markov chain in trying to judge the efficiency of algorithms in OR
Use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
Strategic Marketing - Contemporary Issues
Prof. Jayanta Chatterjee
IIT Kanpur
Strategic Marketing-Lecture01
Strategic Marketing-Lecture02
Strategic Marketing-Lecture03
Strategic Marketing-Lecture04
Strategic Marketing-Lecture05
Strategic Marketing-Lecture06
Strategic Marketing-Lecture07
Strategic Marketing-Lecture08
Strategic Marketing-Lecture9
Strategic Marketing-Lecture10
Strategic Marketing-Lecture11
Strategic Marketing-Lecture12
Strategic Marketing-Lecture13
Strategic Marketing-Lecture14
Strategic Marketing-Lecture15
Strategic Marketing-Lecture16
Strategic Marketing-Lecture17
Strategic Marketing-Lecture18
Strategic Marketing-Lecture19
Strategic Marketing-Lecture20
Strategic Marketing-Lecture21
Strategic Marketing-Lecture22
Strategic Marketing-Lecture23
Strategic Marketing-Lecture24
Strategic Marketing-Lecture25
Strategic Marketing-Lecture26
Strategic Marketing-Lecture27
Strategic Marketing-Lecture28
Strategic Marketing-Lecture29
Strategic Marketing-Lecture30
Strategic Marketing-Lecture31
Strategic Marketing-Lecture32
Strategic Marketing-Lecture33
Strategic Marketing-Lecture34
Strategic Marketing-Lecture35
Strategic Marketing-Lecture36
Strategic Marketing-Lecture37
Consumer Behaviour
Dr. Sangeeta Sahney
IIT Kharagpur
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Consumer Behavior I
Lecture 2 -Introduction to Consumer Behavior II
Lecture 3 - Market Research and Consumer Behavior I
Lecture 4 - Market Research and Consumer Behavior II
Lecture 5 - Market Segmentation and Positioning I
Lecture 6 - Market Segmentation and Positioning II
Lecture 7 - The Consumer Decision Making Process I
Lecture 8 - The Consumer Decision Making Process II
Lecture 9 - Models Of Consumer Behavior I
Lecture 10 -Models Of Consumer Behavior II
Lecture 11 - Models Of Consumer Behavior III
Lecture 12 - Models Of Consumer Behavior IV
Introduction Module 6
Lecture 13 - Consumer Needs and Motivation I
Lecture 14 - Motivational theories, application and their implication for marketers
Lecture 15 - Consumer emotions and moods and their implication for marketers
Lecture 16 - Consumer Involvement
Lecture 17 - Consumer involvement models and implications for marketers
Lecture 18 - Consumer Learning
Lecture 19 - Consumer learning theories and their implication for marketers, Part I
Lecture 20 - Consumer learning theories and their implication for marketers, Part II
Lecture 21 - Consumer learning theories and their implication for marketers, Part III
Lecture 22 - Consumer personality, traits and types,theories of personality I
Lecture 23 - Theories of personality II, self - concept and self- image, implications of consumer personality for marketers
Lecture 24 - Consumer Perception
Lecture 25 - Consumer perceptual mechanism
Lecture 26 - Consumer imagery and risk, consumer perception and implications for marketers
Lecture 27 - Consumer attitudes, models of attitudes
Lecture 28 - Measurement of attitudes, attitude formation and change
Lecture 29 - Attitude change, consumer attitude and implications for marketers
Lecture 30 - Consumer communication and marketing communication
Lecture 31 - Communication strategy,consumer communication and implications for marketers
Introduction Module 7
Lecture 32 - Consumer Groups and Reference Groups
Lecture 33 - Consumer Reference Groups
Lecture 34 - Family and Family Life Cycle
Lecture 35 - Social class and mobility, lifestyle analysis
Lecture 36 - Culture and sub-culture
Lecture 37 - Cross culture consumer analysis,relevance for marketers
Lecture 38 - Interpersonal Communication and Influence
Lecture 39 - Opinion Leadership
Lecture 40 - Diffusion Of Innovation I
Lecture 41 - Diffusion Of Innovation II
Econometric Modelling
Dr. Rudra P. Pradhan
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Econometric Modelling
Structure of Econometric Modelling
Univariate Econometric Modelling
Bivariate Econometric Modelling
Bivariate Econometric Modelling (Contd.)
Bivariate Econometric Modelling
Bivariate Econometric Modelling (Contd. )
Reliability BEM
Reliability BEM (Contd...1)
Reliability BEM (Contd...2)
ANOVA for Bivariate Econometric Modelling
Trivariate Econometric Modelling
Trivariate Econometric Modelling (Contd.)
Reliability of Trivariate Econometric Modelling
Multivariate Econometric Modelling
Multivariate Econometric Modelling (Contd.)
Matrix Approach to Econometric Modelling
Matrix Approach to Econometric Modelling (Contd.)
Multicolinearity Problem
Multicolinearity Problem (Contd.)
Autocorrelation Problem
Autocorrelation Problem (Contd.)
Heteroscedasticity Problem
Heteroscedasticity Problem (Contd.)
Dummy Modelling
Dummy Modelling (Contd.)
LOGIT and PROBIT Model (Contd.)
Panel Data Modelling
Panel Data Modelling (Contd.)
Simultaneous Equation Modelling
Simultaneous Equation Modelling (Contd.)
Structural Equation Modelling
Structural Equation Modelling (Contd.)
Time Series Modelling
Time Series Modelling (Contd.)
Unit Root
Concluding Remarks
International Finance
Dr. Arun K. Misra,Dr. Prabina Rajib
IIT Kharagpur
International Financial Environment
International Financial Transactions
Foreign Exchange Market: An Introduction
Foreign Exchange Market: Market Participants
Introduction to Indian Foreign Exchange Market
International Monetary System: Gold Standard
International Monetary System: Paper Currency Standard, Purchasing Power Parity & Bretton Woods System
Foreign Exchange Contracts: Spot and Forward Contracts
Foreign Exchange Contracts: Swaps and Options
Foreign Exchange Quotations: Spot Market
Foreign Exchange Quotations: Bid-Ask Spread
Foreign Exchange Quotations: Cross, Rates, TT Buy/Sell Rates, TC Buy/Sell Rates
Exchange Rate Arithmetic: Forward Rates
Exchange Rate Arithmetic: Forward Rates (Contd.)
Exchange Rate Arithmetic:Cross Rates and Triangular Arbitrage
Exchange Rate Arithmetic: Cross Rates & Triangular Arbitrage (Contd.)
Exchange Rate Theories: Exchange Rate Pass Troughs
International Parity Conditions
International Parity Conditions: (Continued)
Foreign Exchange Exposures: Transaction Exposure
Transaction Exposure Management �Part-1
Transaction Exposure Management �Part-2
Interest Rate Swaps
Currency Swaps
Operating Exposure Measurement
Operating Exposure Management: Operational Level
Operating Exposure Management: At Strategic Level
Translation/Accounting Exposure: Integral vs. Non-Integral Foreign Operation.
Translation/Accounting Exposure: Measurement and Management
International Trade and Risk Associated with International Trade
Financing of International Trade
International Equity Market and Cross Listing of Shares
International Equity Market and Indian ADRs and GDRs
International Bond Market: An Introduction
Indian Companies and International Bond Market
International Perspective of Cost of Capital
International Capital Structure
International Capital Budgeting
Evaluation of Foreign Direct Investment
Floating Rate, Currency Boards & Currency Basket Systems
Organizational Behaviour
Dr. Susmita Mukhopadhyay
IIT Kharagpur
Understanding Organizational Behaviour
Effectiveness in Organizations
Social System and Organizational Culture
Social System and Organizational Culture (Contd.)
Individual differences and work behaviour
Personality (Contd.)
Attitudes (Contd.)
Attitudes (Contd. )
Perceptions and Attributions
Perceptions and Attributions (Contd.)
Motivation (Contd.)
Job Design, Work and Motivation
Job Design, Work and Motivation (Contd.)
Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards
Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.)
Managing Misbehaviour
Informal and Formal Groups
Teams and Teambuilding
Managing Conflict and Negotiation
Managing Conflict and Negotiation (Contd.)
Power and Politics
Empowerment and Participation
Assertive Behaviour and Transactional Analysis
Communication (Contd.)
Decision Making
Decision Making (Contd.)
Leadership (Contd.)
Leadership (Contd.)
Organizational structure and Design
Organizational structure and Design (Contd.)
Organizational structure and Design (Contd. )
Change and Innovation
Change and Innovation (Contd.)
Organizational behaviour across cultures
Organizational Behaviour
Dr. Susmita Mukhopadhyay
IIT Kharagpur
Understanding Organizational Behaviour
Effectiveness in Organizations
Social systems and organizational culture
Social systems and organizational culture (Contd.)
Individual differences and work behaviour
Personality (Contd.)
Attitudes (Contd.)
Attitudes (Continued)
Perceptions and Attributions
Perceptions and Attributions (Contd.)
Motivation (Contd.)
Job Design, Work and Motivation
Job Design, Work and Motivation (Contd.)
Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards
Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.)
Managing misbehaviour
Stress and Counseling
Stress and Counseling (Contd.)
Informal and Formal Groups
Teams and Team Building
Managing Conflict and Negotiation
Managing Conflict and Negotiation (Contd.)
Power and Politics
Empowerment and participation
Assertive Behaviour and Transactional Analysis
Communication (Contd.)
Decision making
Decision making (Contd.)
Leadership (Continued)
Organizational Structure and Design
Organizational Structure and Design (Contd.)
Organizational Structure and Design (Continued)
Change and Innovation
Organizational behaviour across cultures
Leadership (Contd.)
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Dr. Chandra Sekhar Mishra,Dr. Jitendra Mahakud
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Investment Management
Markets for Investment
Risk and Return
Risk and Return (Contd.)
Organization and Function of Equity and Debt Markets
Mutual Funds
Market Efficiency - Concepts and forms of efficiency
Testing Market Efficiency
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis (Contd.)
Valuation of Equity Shares - I
Valuation of Equity Shares - II
Economic Analysis - I
Economic Analysis - II
Industry Analysis - I
Industry Analysis - II
Company Analysis - I
Company Analysis - II
Technical Analysis - I
Technical Analysis - II
Introduction to Portfolio Management
Introduction to Portfolio Management (Contd.)
Capital Market Theory - I
Capital Market Theory - II
Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Multifactor Pricing Model
Markowitz Optimal Portfolio Selection Model
Other Optimal Portfolio Selection Models
Equity Portfolio Management Strategies - I
Equity Portfolio Management Strategies - II
Introduction to Bond Analysis
Bond Pricing and Yield
Interest Rate: Determination & Structure
Bond Price Volatility
Bond Portfolio Management Strategies - I
Bond Portfolio Management Strategies - II
Derivatives - I
Derivatives - II
Portfolio Performance Evaluation - I
Portfolio Performance Evaluation - II
Services Marketing
Dr. Biplab Datta
IIT Kharagpur
What is Marketing Management?
The Service Process
Characteristics of Services
Understanding the Macro Environment �I
Understanding the Macro Environment � II
Understanding the Macro Environment � III
Understanding the Macro Environment � IV
Understanding the Micro Environment
Understanding the Business Environment
Exploring Marketing Opportunities � I
Exploring Marketing Opportunities � II
Segmenting the Market
Targeting and Positioning
Services Marketing Process
Services Marketing Research
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
New Service Development � I
New Service Development � II
The Service Product
Service Quality - I
Service Quality - II
Designing the Service Process � I
Designing the Service Process � II
Developing Service Personnel
Educating the Customers - I
Educating the Customers - II
Managing Service Delivery Channels
Managing Channel Conflict
Managing Demand and Capacity
Designing the Physical Evidence � I
Designing the Physical Evidence � II
Managing Integrated Marketing Communications � I
Managing Integrated Marketing Communications � II
Pricing the Service
Value Pricing of Services
Managing Customers
Managing Service Recovery
Providing Service Guarantees
Consumer Protection
Six Sigma
Prof. Tapan P. Bagchi
IIT Kharagpur
Concepts in Quality Management - I
Concepts in Quality Management - II
Concepts in Quality Management - III
Initiating Six Sigma
Review of Probability and Statistics - I
Review of Probability and Statistics - II
Review of Probability and Statistics - III
Review of Probability and Statistics - IV
QM Systems Overview
Cost of Quality and TQM Tools
QFD and ISO 9000
QS 9000 and Awards
Competing Through Service Quality
Introduction to Project Management
Project Life Cycle
Critical Path Method
Measurement System Analysis
Acceptance Sampling
Design of Sampling Plans
MIL-STD-105E Sampling Plan
Introduction to SPC
Control Chart Examples
Control Charts by Excel
Process Capability
Quality Function Deployment
Design of Experiments - Overview
Planning for DOE
Factor Effect Calculations
Benchmarking in Six Sigma
How to Benchmark
Six Sigma in Supply Chains
Taguchi Methods
Robust Design
The Journey to Six Sigma
A Case Study of Defect Reduction
DFM & Reliability
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Implementing Six Sigma
Getting Results From Six Sigma
Econometric Modelling
Dr. Rudra P. Pradhan
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Econometric Modelling
Structure of Econometric Modelling
Univariate Econometric Modelling
Probability theory
Hypothesis Testing
Introduction To Bivariate Econometric Modelling
Reliability of Bivariate Econometric Modelling
Introduction to Trivariate Econometric Modelling
Introduction to Multivariate Econometric Modelling
Matrix Approach to Econometric Modelling
Constraints of OLS Estimations
Multicollinearity Problem
Multicollinearity Problem (Contd.)
Autocorrelation Problem
Autocorrelation Problem (contd.)
Heteroscedasticity Problem
Heteroscedasticity Problem(Contd.)
Dummy Regression Modelling
Dummy Regression Modelling(Contd.)
Qualitative Response Regression Modelling
Qualitative Response Regression Modelling (Contd.)
Panel Data Modeling
Panel Data Modeling(Contd.)
Simultaneous Equation Modeling
Simultaneous Equation Modeling(Contd.)
Structural Equation Modeling
Structural Equation Modeling(Contd.)
Structural Equation Modeling (Contd.)
Basics of Time Series Modeling
Basics of Time Series Modeling (Contd.)
Unit Roots Test
Unit Roots Test(Contd.)
Cointegration Test
Cointegration Test (Contd.)
Granger Causality Test
Granger Causality Test (Contd.)
Volatility Timeseries Models
Volatility Timeseries Models (Contd.)
Volatility Timeseries Models (Contd.)
Vector Autoregressive Model
Vector Autoregressive Model
Consumer Behaviour
Dr. Sangeeta Sahney
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to the Study of Consumer Behaviour
Introduction to the Study of Consumer Behaviour (Contd.)
Market Research and Consumer Behaviour
Market Research and Consumer Behaviour (Contd.)
Market Segmentation and Positioning
Market Segmentation and Positioning (Contd.)
The Consumer Decision Making Process
The Consumer Decision Making Process (Contd.)
Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour
Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour (Contd.)
Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour (Contd. )
Models of Consumers and Models of Consumer Behaviour ( Contd.)
Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement
Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd.)
Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd. )
Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement ( Contd.)
Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd. )
Consumer Learning
Consumer Learning (Contd.)
Consumer Learning (Contd. )
Consumer Learning ( Contd. )
Personality, Self Concept and Self Image
Personality, Self Concept and Self Image (Contd.)
Consumer Perception, Risk and Imagery
Consumer Perception, Risk and Imagery (Contd.)
Consumer Perception, Risk and Imagery (Contd. )
Consumer Attitudes
Consumer Attitudes (Contd.)
Consumer Attitudes ( Contd.)
Consumer Communication
Consumer Communication (Contd.)
Consumer Groups and Reference Groups
Family and Family Life Cycle
Social Class and Mobility, Lifestyle Analysis
Culture, Sub-Culture and Cross-Culture
Culture, Sub-Culture and Cross-Culture (Contd.)
Interpersonal Communication and Influence
Opinion Leadership
Diffusion of Innovation
Diffusion of Innovation (Contd.)
International Finance
Dr. Arun K. Misra
IIT Kharagpur
International Financial Environment
International Financial Transactions
Gold Standard
Purchasing Power Parity
Floating and Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes
Currency Boards and Currency Basket Systems
Features of Foreign Exchange Market
Exchange Rate Arithmetic
Understanding Merchant Rates
Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts
Value at Risk for Foreign Exchange Market
International Parity Conditions and Movement Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting
Development of Foreign Exchange Market in India
Foreign Exchange Exposures : Transaction Exposure
Transaction Exposure Management
Foreign Exchange Futures Market for Transaction Exposure Management
Foreign Currency Options : Transaction Exposure Management
Interest Rate Swaps
Currency Swaps
Operating Exposure Assessment
Operating Exposure Management
International Capital Structure and Capital Assets Pricing Model
International Capital Budgeting
Evaluation of Foreign Direct Investment
Cross Listing of Shares : Depository Receipts
International Financial Integration
World Trade Organisation
India's Forex Reserves Composition and Determinants of Optimum Reserves
Movement of Exchange Rates in India
International Trade Theory
International Bond Market
India's Foreign Trade - Direction and Composition
Financial Stability
Test - I
Money and Forex Market Interaction : Indian Experience
Test - 2
Characteristics of Indian Foreign Exchange Market
Test - 3
Test - 4
Bank Management
Prof. R. Madhumathi
IIT Madras
Introduction to Structure Of Banking Industry
Structure Of Banking Industry
Organization of Banking Industry
Competition in Banking Industry
Functions of Banks in an Economy
Failure of Banks
Trends in Banking
Regulatory Framework of Banks
Need for Regulation
Banking Risk and Regulations
Basel Committee Norms
Bank Disclosures
Introduction to Interest Rate Risk Management
Asset Liability Management
Gap Analysis
Duration Analysis
Derivatives in ALM
Interest Rate Risk Management
Introduction to Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk
Business Loans
Micro Credit
Credit Evaluation
Credit Risk Measurement
Credit Risk Management
Treasury Risk Management
Liquidity Functions of Banks
Liquidity Risk
Treasury Market
Treasury Market Risk Management
Internal Audit for Treasury Market Risk Management
Operational Risk Management
Operational Risk
Operational Risk Policy
Measurement of Operational Risk
Management of Operational Risk
Market Risk Management
Market Risk
Basel Committee Recomendations
Measurement of Market Risk
Managing Market Risk
Management of Bank Capital
Capital adequacy
Basel Framework
Capital Adequacy of Banks in India
Disclosure of Capital Adequacy
Issues in Bank Management
Bank Marketing
Bank Audit
Bank Merger
International Banking
Special Services of Banks
Issue Management
Corporate Advisory Services
Investment Management of Banks
Mutual funds
Evaluating Bank Performance
Performance Assessments
Bank performance
Rating of banks
Coorporate governance in bank
Services Operations Management
Dr. Arshinder Kaur
IIT Madras
Introduction to Module 1
Introduction and imperatives of services
Nature and characteristics of services
Classification of services and analyzing service operations
Introduction to Module 2
Introduction to Service Strategy
Competitive Service Strategies
Strategic Service Vision
Introduction to Module 3
New service design and development
Service system design and delivery process
Technology & automation in services
Service encounter
Introduction to Module 4
Human resource planning & employee selection
Managing people in service organization
Work measurement in Services
Introduction to Module 5
Defining Service Quality
Quality Service by Design
Service Process Control
Total Quality Management Tools
Quality Philosophy & Performance Excellence
Service Recovery & Service Guarantee
Process analysis of facility layouts
Facility location decision factors
Quantitative models for facility location: Service facility on a line or on a plane
Quantitative models for facility location: Based on different objective functions of optimization criteria
Quantitative models for multiple service facilities
Introduction to Module 7
Forecasting Demand In Services
Smoothing Customer Demand In Services
Introduction to Module 8
Service Capacity Management
Yield management
Resource and Workforce Scheduling in Services
Introduction to Module 9
Introduction to Queuing System
Characteristics of Queuing System
M/M/1 Queuing Model
Introduction to Module 10
Service Inventory Management
Service Supply Chains
Processes in Service Supply Chain
Introduction to Module 11
Data Envelopment Analysis - I
Data Envelopment Analysis - II
Introduction to Module 6
Service facility design
Application of simulation in service operations management
Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Strategic Management
Prof. R. Srinivasan
IISc Bangalore
Introduction to Strategic Management
Concept of Corporate Strategy
Strategic Management Process - 01
Strategic Management Process - 02
The 7-S Framework
Corporate Policy and Planning in India
Board of Directors - Role and Functions
Board of Directors - Role and Functions, Top Management - Role and Skills, Board Functioning - Indian Context
Board Functioning - Indian Context & Environmental Scanning
Environmental Scanning & Industry Analysis
The synthesis of External Factors & External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS)
Internal Corporate Analysis & Impact Matrix
Value Chain Analysis
Synthesis of Internal Factors - 1
Synthesis of Internal Factors - 2
Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) & Case Study - 1
Case Analysis
Key Financial Ratios
Case Analysis - 2 & SFAS Matrix
Business Strategy
Corporate Strategy - 1
Corporate Strategy - 2
Corporate Strategy - 3 & Functional Strategy
Functional Strategy - 1
Functional Strategy - 2
Functional Strategy - 3 & Strategic Choice
Strategy Implementation - 1
Strategy Implementation - 2
Evaluation and Control
Strategic Information Systems - 1
Strategic Information Systems - 2
Other Strategic Issues - 1
Other Strategic Issues - 2
Small and Medium Enterprises
Non- Profit Organizations
Summary - 1
Summary - 2
Applied Multivariate Statistical Modeling
Dr J Maiti
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to multivariate statistical modeling
Introduction to multivariate statistical modeling (Contd.)
Univariate descriptive statistics
Sampling distribution
Estimation (Contd.)
Hypothesis testing
Multivariate descriptive statistics
Multivariate descriptive statistics (Contd.)
Multivariate normal distribution
Multivariate normal distribution (Contd.)
Multivariate Inferential Statistics
Multivariate Inferential Statistics (Contd.)
ANOVA (Analysis of Varianace)
Analysis of Variance (Contd.)
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
MANOVA (Contd.)
Tutorial – ANOVA
Tutorial ANOVA (Contd.)
MANOVA – Case Study
Multiple Regression – Introduction
MLR – Sampling distribution of regression coefficients
MLR – Model adequacy tests
MLR – Test of assumptions
MLR – Model diagnostics
MLR – Case Study
Multivariate Linear Regression
Multivariate Linear Regression – Estimation
Multivariate Linear Regression – Model Adequacy tests
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
PCA – Model Adequacy & Interpretation
Regression Modeling using SPSS
Factor Analysis
Factor Analysis – Estimation & Model Adequacy testing
Factor Analysis – Model Adequacy, rotation, factor scores & case study
Cluster Analysis
Cluster Analysis (Contd.)
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
SEM - Measurement Model
SEM - Structural Model
Correspondence Analysis
Correspondence Analysis (Contd.)