Discipline Name
Subject Name
Ocean Engineering
Hydrostatics and Stability
Dr. Hari V. Warrior
IIT Kharagpur
Archimedes Principle
Archimedes Principle (Contd.)
Numerical Integration
Problems in Stability - I
Problems in Stability - II
Problems in Stability - III
Problems in Integration
Free Surface Effect
Inclining Experiment
Hydrostatic Curves - I
Hydrostatic Curves - II
Stability Curve
Dynamical Stability - I
Dynamical Stability - II
Healing Moment - I
Healing Moment - II
Healing Moment - III
Dynamical Stability - III
Righting Stability - I
Righting Stability - II
Trim Calculations - I
Trim Calculations - II
Trim Stability - I
Trim Stability - II
Dry Docking - I
Dry Docking - II
Bilging - I
Bilging - II
Bilging - III
Bilging - IV
Safety Regulations
Safety Regulations (Contd.)
Safety Regulations ( Contd.)
Ship Stability on Waves
Ship Stability on Waves (Contd.)
Ship Stability on Waves ( Contd.)
Wave Theory
Ocean Engineering
Marine Construction and Welding
Prof. N.R. Mandal
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to ships & offshore structures
Characteristics of shipbuilding industry
Structural Requirement
Basic Structural Components
Structural Subassemblies
Decks & Shells
Structural Assemblies Double Bottom Construction
Wing Tanks & Duct Keels
Fore & Altend Construction
General Cargo Carrier
Bulk Carrier
Structural Details
Container Ship
RO-RO Ship
Oil Tanker
Structural Alignment & Continuity
Steel Material Preparation
Shot Blasting
Acid Pickling
Plate Cutting
Plate & Section Forming - I
Plate & Section Forming - II
Line Heating
Fusion Welding & Power Source
Welding Parameters & their Effects
Welding Methods
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Gas Metal Arc Welding - I
Gas Metal Arc Welding - II
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Submerged Arc Welding
Electroslag Welding
Electrogas Welding
Friction Stir Welding
FSW Metallurgy
Welding Defects & NDT
Welding Distortions
Distortion Mechanism & Types of Distortion
Distortion Control & Mitigation
Welding Sequence
Ocean Engineering
Marine Hydrodynamics
Dr. T. Sahoo
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Marine Hydrodynamics
Law of Conservation of Mass - Continuity of Equation
Streamlines and Flow Direction
Worked Examples on Various Types of Flow
Equation of Motion (Law of Conservation of Momentum)
Applications of Equations of Motion
Applications of Equations of Motion (Contd.)
Two Dimensional Flows
Two Dimensional Flows (Contd.)
Source, Sink and Doublet
Worked Examples on Two Dimensional Flows
Conformal Mapping and Joukowsky Transformation
Uniform Flow Past an Elliptic Cylinder
Aerofoil theory
Aerofoil theory (Contd.)
Aerofoil theory (Contd.)
Schwarz - Christoffel Transformation
Motion of a cylinder
Vertex Motion
Irrotational Flow - A Bird's eyeview
Introduction to Water Waves
Basic Equation and Conditions of Water Waves
Water particle kinematics in wave motion
Capillary Gravity Waves
Linearised Long Wave Equation
Linearised Long Wave Equation (Contd.)
Wave motion in two layer fluids
Worked Examples on Wave Motion
Worked Examples on Wave Motion (Contd.)
Gravity wave transformation and energy rotation
Gravity wave transformation and energy rotation (Contd.)
Gravity wave transformation and energy rotation (Contd.)
Navier - Stokes equation of motion
Analysis of Basic Flow Problems
Analysis of Basic Flow Problems (Contd.)
Unsteady unidirectional flows
Unsteady unidirectional flows (Contd.)
An introduction to Boundary Layer Theory
Solution methods for Boundary Layer Equations
Solutions Methods for Boundary Layer Equations (Contd.)
Ocean Engineering
Seakeeping & Manoeuvring
Prof. Debabrata Sen
IIT Kharagpur
Regular Water Waves - I
Regular Water Waves - II
Definition of Ship Motions & Encounter Frequency
Single Degree of Freedom Motions in Regular Waves
Uncoupled Heave, Pitch and Roll - I
Uncoupled Heave, Pitch and Roll - II
Uncoupled Heave, Pitch and Roll - III
Uncoupled Heave, Pitch and Roll - IV
Uncoupled Heave, Pitch and Roll - V
Coupled Motions
Irregular Waves
Description of Irregular Waves by Spectrum
Theoretical Wave Spectrum
Ship Motion in Irregular Waves - I
Ship Motion in Irregular Waves - II
Ship Motion in Irregular Waves - III
Description of Short-Crested Sea
Motions in Short-Crested Sea
Derived Responses & Dynamic Effects - I
Derived Responses & Dynamic Effects - II
Derived Responses & Dynamic Effects - III
Seakeeping Considerations in Design
Manoeuvring: Introduction & Basic Equations
Dynamic Equations of Motion - I
Dynamic Equations of Motion - II
Hydrodynamic Derivatives
Controls-Fixed Stability
Stability & Cotrollability: Definitive Manoeuvres
Definitive Manoeuvres - I
Definitive Manoeuvres - II
Definitive Manoeuvres - III
Non-linear Equations of Motion
Non-linear Equations & Model Tests
Captive Model Tests and Experimental Determination of Hydrodynamic Derivatives
PMM Tests - I
PMM Tests - II
Rudder & Control Surfaces - I
Rudder & Control Surfaces - II
Theoretical Determination of Hydrodynamic Derivatives - I
Theoretical Determination of Hydrodynamic Derivatives - II
Ocean Engineering
Applied Thermodynamics for Marine Systems
Prof. P.K. Das
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction & Some Definitions
First Law of Thermodynamics (Closed System)
First Law of Thermodynamics (Open System)
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Second Law and Carnot Principle
Property of Pure Substance, Steam Table
Ideal Gas Laws, Different Processes
Introduction to Vapour Power Cycle
Vapour Power Cycle
Steam Power Cycle, Steam Nozzle
Basic Concept of Turbine, Velocity Diagram
Steam Turbine-Impulse
Reaction Turbine Compounding
Comparison of Different Staging Arrangement
Basics Laws of Fluid Mechanics
Pipe Friction, Major Loss, Minor Loss
Pipeline & Pipe Network
Refrigeration Vapour Compression Cycle
Psychometrics (Contd...)
Psychometric Processes
Psychometric Processes (Contd...), Air Conditioning
Summer & Winter Air Conditioning
Gas Power Cycles, Cycles for IC Engines
Gas Turbine Cycles
Modification of Brayton Cycle
Introduction to Convective Heat Transfer Forced&Free Convection
Ocean Engineering
Performance of Marine Vehicles at Sea
Prof. S.C. Misra,Prof. Debabrata Sen
IIT Kharagpur
Components of Resistance - I
Components of Resistance - II
Dimensional Analysis
Frictional Resistance
Wave Making Resistance
Other Components of Resistance
Model Experiments
Shallow Water Effects
Ship hull form and Resistance
Propeller Geometry Part - I
Propeller Geometry Part - II
Introduction to High Speed Crafts Part - I
Introduction to High Speed Crafts Part - II
Propeller in Open Water Part - I
Propeller in Open Water Part - II
Propeller 'behind' a ship
Propeller experiments
Propeller theories Part I
Propeller Theories
Regular Sea Waves - I
Regular Sea Waves - II
Irregular sea Waves - I
Irregular Sea Waves - II
Ship Motion in Regular Waves - I
Ship Motion in Regular Waves - II
Ship Motion in Regular Waves - III
Ship Motion in irregular Waves - I
Ship Motion in irregular Waves - II
Ship Motion in irregular Waves - III
Motion in Short Crested Sea,Coupled Motions
Derived Responses
Ship Controllability : Introductory Notes
Equation of Motion in Horizontal Plane
Hydrodynamic Derivatives and Stability
Hydrodynamic Derivatives and Stability
Ship Trials and Maneuvers - I
Ship Trials and Maneuvers - II
Heel During Turn, IMO Requirements
Rudder Hydrodynamics
Ocean Engineering
Strength and Vibration of Marine Structures
Prof. A.H. Sheikh,Prof. S.K. Satsangi
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Ship Structures-I
Introduction to Ship Structures-II
Deflection of Structure Beam-I
Deflection of Structure Beam-II
Deflection of Structure Beam-III
Deflection of Structure Beam-IV
Statically Indeterminate Structures-I
Statically Indeterminate Structures-II
Statically Indeterminate Structures-III
Statically Indeterminate Structures-IV
Statically Indeterminate Structures-V
Statically Indeterminate Structures-VI
Longitudinal Bending of Hull Girder - I
Longitudinal Bending of Hull Girder - II
Longitudinal Bending of Hull Grider-III
Theory of Column-I
Theory of Column-II
Theory of Column-III
Theory of Column-IV
Calculation of Momentum of Inertia of Main Section
Bending in Inclined Condition
Calculation of Deflection/Shear Stress
Ship Vibration-I
Ship Vibration-II
Ship Vibration-III
Ship Vibration-IV
Ship Vibration-V
Propeller Induced Vibration & Hull Frequency Estimation
Hull Frequency Estimation from Basic Group (Contd...)
Analysis of Bulkhead-I
Analysis of Bulkhead-II
Stress Concentration/Structural Discontinuities
Composite Construction
Method of Plastic Analysis
Calculation of Natural Frequency of Hull Girder
Hull Resonance Diagram
Ocean Engineering
Health,Safety and Environmental Management in Petroleum and Offshore Engineering
Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
IIT Madras
Introduction and Terminologies
Introduction to HSE
Safety assurance and assessment
Safety assurance and assessment (contd.)
Safety in design and operations
Organizing for safety
Hazard classification and assessment, Hazard evaluation and hazard control
HaZOP (contd.)
Hazard evaluation and hazard control
Hazard Identification and Management in Oil & Gas Industry using HAZOP
FMEA (contd.)
Environmental Issues and Management
Impact of Oil and Gas Industry on Marine Environment
Oil Hydrocarbon in Marine Environment
Chemicals and Wastes from Offshore and Oil Industry
Dispersion Models � Atmospheric Pollution
Atmospheric Pollution (contd.)
Hazard Assessment and Accident Scenario
Dose Assessment, Safety Regulation
Toxic Release and Dispersion Modeling
Chemical Exposure Index (CEI)
Chemical Exposure Index (contd.)
Quantitative Risk Assessment
Quantitative Risk Assessment (Liquid Release Models Case Study - Continued)
Fire and Explosion Modeling
Fire and Explosion Modeling Flammability Diagrams
Explosion Modeling
Fire and Explosion Preventive Measures
Probabilistic Risk Analysis
Safety Measures in Design and Process Operations
Case Studies
Case Studies (contd.)
Software Used in HSE � an Over View
Ocean Engineering
Wave simulation, measurement and analysis
Prof. S.A. Sannasiraj
IIT Madras
Statistical And Spectral Analysis Of Random Waves
Laboratory Wave Generation
Uni- And Multi Variate Spectral Analysis
Measurement And Analysis Of Multi-Directional Waves
Physical And Remote Sensing Wave Measurements
Wind-Wave Modelling
Large Body Wave Diffraction
Ocean Engineering
Coastal Engineering
Prof. V. Sundar
IIT Madras
Wave deformation - I
Wave deformation - II
wave deformation (problems - I)
wave deformation (problems - II)
wave deformation (problems - III)
Sediment charecteristics - I
Sediment charecteristics - II
Radiation stresses - I
Radiation stresses - II
Longshore sediment transport - I
Longshore sediment transport - II
Longshore sediment transport (problems - I)
Longshore sediment transport (problems -II)
Coastal erosion protection measures - I
Coastal erosion protection measures - II
Coastal erosion protection measures - III
Coastal erosion protection measures - IV
Coastal erosion protection measures - V
Coastal erosion protection measures - VI
Coastal erosion protection measures - VII
Coastal erosion protection measures - VIII
Coastal erosion protection measures - IX
Coastal erosion protection measures - X
Cheaper CEP methods - XI
Geosynthetics - I
Geosynthetics - II
Breakwaters - I
Breakwaters - II
Breakwaters - III
Breakwaters - IV
Forces on coastal structures - I
Forces on coastal structures - II
Scour under marine structures
Physical modelling of coastal structures - I
Physical modelling of coastal structures - II
Tsunami - I
Tsunami -II
Ocean Engineering
Wave Hydrodynamics
Prof. V. Sundar
IIT Madras
Basic Fluid Dynamics I
Basic Fluid Dynamics II
Wave Motion I
Wave Motion II
Wave Motion III
Wave Motion Problems
Standing Wave Theory
Wave Deformation I
Wave Deformation II
Wave Deformation and Problems
Random Waves
Random Waves and Problems I
Random Waves and Problems II
Random Waves and Problems III
Simulation of Random Waves
Directional waves
Wave Loads on Structures I
Wave Loads on Structures II
Wave Loads on Structures and Problems I
Wave Loads on Structures and Problems II
Wave loads on Large Boides
Finite Amplitude Wave Theories
Hydrodynamic Testing Facility
Hydrodynamic Testing Facility at IITM
Ocean Engineering
Ocean Structures and Materials
Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
IIT Madras
Introduction and objectives
Fixed type offshore structures
Compliant type offshore structures-I
Compliant type offshore structures-II
Drill ships and basics of drilling
Subsea production systems
Environmental loads I
Environmental loads II
Types of coastal structures I
Types of coastal structures II
Summary of coastal structures
Tutorials on Module I
Outline of planning of ocean structures
Introduction to design
Construction techniques
Dredging I
Dredging II
Uncertainties in analysis and design
Design adequacy- Example I
Design adequacy- Example II
Dredging equipments' specifications
Ocean Pollution
Foundation and sea bed anchors
Introduction to materials I
Introduction to materials II
Concrete in marine environment
Concrete: problems and solutions
Repair materials for marine structures
Corrosion in concrete I
Corrosion in concrete II
Material sin repair and rehabilitation
Materials for special repair
New materials for coastal embankments I
New materials for coastal embankments II
Non-destructive testing
Structural health monitoring
Wireless sensor networking
Repair and rehabilitation- Fenders
Ocean Engineering
Dynamics of Ocean Structures
Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
IIT Madras
Introduction to different types of ocean structures I
Introduction to different types of ocean structures II
Introduction to different types of ocean structures III
Types of Compliant towers
New Generation offshore and Coastal structures
Environmental forces
Wave forces, Current
Introduction to Structural dynamics
Characteristics of single degree - of- freedom model
Methods of writing equation of motion
Free and forced vibration of single degree - of - freedom systems
Undamped and damped systems I
Undamped and damped systems II
Undamped and damped systems III
Comparison of methods
Numerical problems in single degree - of - freedom systems
Two degrees - of - freedom systems
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Orthogonality of modes
Study of Multi degrees - of - freedom systems
Equations of motion
Natural frequencies and mode shapes
Stodla, Rayleigh - Ritz and influence coefficient methods, Dunkerley
Continuous system
Structural action of offshore structures
Fluid - Structure interaction I
Fluid - Structure interaction II Dynamic analysis of offshore jacket platforms
Steps of analysis using software
Steps of analysis using software (contd..)
Dynamic analysis of articulated towers
Iterative frequency domain I
Iterative frequency domain II
Multi - legged articulated towers
Response control of multi-legged articulated towers using tuned mass dampers Experimental and analytical studies on MLAT
Development of Tension Leg Platforms and geometric optimization
Dynamic analyses of TLPs
Development of Mass, stiffness and damping matrices of TLP from first principles
Estimate of classical damping
TLPs under seismic excitation
Direct Integration method
Development of new generation offshore structures
Introduction to stochastic dynamics of ocean structures
Response spectrum
Narrow band process
Return period, Fatigue prediction
Modal response method, Modal mass contribution
Missing mass correction, Example problems
Duhamel's integrals
Ocean Engineering
Advanced Marine Structures
Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran
IIT Madras
Introduction and Scope
Fixed type structures
Compliant type structures
New generation marine structures
Environmental loads-I
Environmental loads-II
Environmental loads-III
Environmental loads-IV
Other loads-I
Other loads-II
Ultimate load design principles-I
Ultimate Limit State-I
Ultimate Limit State-II
Ultimate Limit State-III
Partial safety factor
Plastic design-I
Plastic design-II
Plastic design-III
Plastic design-IV- Example problems-I
Plastic analysis- Example problems-II
Plastic analysis- Example problems-III
Theories of failure-I
Theories of failure-II
Theories of failure-III
Theories of failure-IV
Shear centre-I
Shear centre-II- Examples
Plastic capacity of sections under combined loads-I
Plastic capacity of sections under combined loads-II
Impact analysis- fundamentals-I
Impact analysis- fundamentals-II
Ultimate capacity of tubular joints
Fluid structure interaction-I
Fluid structure interaction-II
Fluid induced vibration-I
Fluid induced vibration-II
Flow through perforated members-I
Flow through perforated members- numerical studies-II
Flow through perforated members- III- Analytical studies
Introduction to Reliability I
Introduction to Reliability II
Introduction to Reliability III
Reliability framework in Marine structures
Ultimate Limit state and Reliability approach I
Ultimate limit state and Reliability approach II
Levels of Reliability
FOSM and AFOSM methods of Reliability
Fracture and Fatigue
Fatigue failure
Fatigue loading and fatigue analysis
Deterministic fatigue analysis
Spectral fatigue analysis
Stress concentration and fatigue analysis