Discipline Name
Subject Name
Prof. Amol Dighe
IIT Bombay
Lecture 1 : Maxwell�s equations: a review
Lecture 2 : Solving static boundary value problems
Lecture 3 : Time dependent EM fields: relaxation, propagation
Lecture 4 : Energy in electric and magnetic fields
Lecture 5 : EM waves with boundaries
Lecture 6 -7 : EM waves in confined spaces
Lecture 8 : EM wave equation with sources
Lecture 9 : EM radiation
Lecture 10-11 : Multipole radiation
Lecture 12 : Problems
Lecture 1 : From electrodynamics to Special Relativity
Lecture 2 : Lorentz transformations of observables
Lecture 3 : Relativistic energy and momentum
Lecture 4 : Covariant and contravariant 4-vectors
Lecture 5 : Metric and higher-rank 4-tensors
Lecture 6 : Tensor calculus
Lecture 7 : Relativistic kinematics: scattering and decay
Lecture 8 : EM field tensor and Maxwell�s equations
Lectures 9 -10: Lagrangian formulation of relativistic mechanics
Lecture 11 : Lagrangian formulation of relativistic ED
Lecture 12 : Problem
Lectures 1- 2 : Motion of charges in E and B fields
Lecture 3 : EM potentials from a moving charge (Lienard-Wiechert)
Lectures 4-5 : EM fields from a uniformly moving charge
Lectures 6-7 : Cherenkov radiation
Lecture 8 : Radiation from an accelerating charge
Lecture 9 : Radiation from linear motion: Bremsstrahlung
Lectures 10-11 : Radiation from circular orbits: Synchrotron
Lectures 12-13 : Radiation reaction force
Lectures 14-15 : EM radiation passing through matter
Lecture 16 : Problems
Electromagnetic Theory
Prof. D.K. Ghosh
IIT Bombay
L1-Scalar field and its Gradient
L2-Line and Surface Integrals
L3-Divergence and Curl of Vector Fields
L4-Conservative Field, Stoke's Theorem
L6-Electric Field Potential
L7-Gauss's Law, Potential
L8-Electric Field and Potential
L9-Potential and Potential Energy
L10-Potential and Potential Energy II
L11-Potential and Potential Energy III
L12-Coefficients of Potential and Capacitance
L13-Poission and Laplace Equation
L14-Solutions of Laplace Equation
L15-Solutions of Laplace Equation II
L16-Solutions of Laplace Equation III
L17-Special Techniques
L18-Special Techniques II
L19-Special Techniques III
L21-Dielectrics II
L22-Dielectrics III
L23-Equation of Continuity
L24-a) Force between current loops b) Magnetic Vector Potential
L25-Magnetic Vector Potential
L26-Boundary Conditions
L27-Magnetized Material
L28-Magentostatics (contd..),Time Varying Field (Introduction)
L29-Faraday's Law and Inductance
L30-Maxwell's Equations
L31-Maxwell's Equations and Conservation Laws
L32-Conservation Laws
L33-a) Angular Momentum Conservation b) Electromagnetic Waves
L34-Electromagnetic Waves
L35-Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a metal
L37-Waveguides II
L38-Resonating Cavity
L40-Radiation II
Ideas and methods in condensed matter theory
Dr. Kedar Damle
IIT Bombay
Lecture 1: Overview of course and index of topics
Lecture 2: Review and preview
Lecture 3: Conceptual overview
Lecture 4: Linear response theory-I (Derivation of response kernel)
Lecture 5: Linear response theory-II (Properties of response kernel)
Lecture 6: Fluctuation-Disspation theorem and introduction to systems of interest
Lecture 7: Path integral representation and spin coherent states
Lecture 8: Path integral for spin systems
Lecture 9: Path integral for spin systems: Berry Phase
Lecture 10: Introduction to quantum antiferro- magnets
Lecture 11: Long-wavelength expansion in the Neel state Energetic terms
Lecture 12 : Expanding the Berry phase term
Lecture 13 : Berry phase in d = 1 and d = 2 antiferromagnets
Lecture 14 : Probes of quantum antiferromagnetism
Lecture 15 : Many-particle quantum mechanics: Algebraic preliminaries and wavefunction description
Lecture 16 : Many-body physics in second-quantized language
Lecture 17 : Path integral description of many-body physics
Lecture 18 : Calculating with the Bosonic path integral
Lecture 19 : Phases and excitations of the Bose-Hubbard model
Lecture 20 : Effective field theory for the Bose-Hubbard model
Lecture 21 : Spin wave theory for quantum rotor model
Lecture 22 : of Quantum rotor analysis of instability of N�el state to quantum and thermal fluctuations
Lecture 23 : The Mermin-Wagner theorem
Lecture 24 : Renormalization group approach to the breakdown of spinwave theory : Basic ideas and formalism
Lecture 25 : Renormalization group for the quantum rotor model: Details and the flow equation
Lecture 26 : Renormalization group approach to the quantum rotor model: Phases and phase transitions
Lecture 27 : Renormalization group approach to the quantum rotor model: Finite temperature properties
Lecture 28: Low energy rotor description of the superfluid state and transition to insulating behaviour
Lecture 29 : Vortices and their interactions
Lecture 30 : Statistical mechanics of vortices -- consequences for superfluid density
Lecture 31 : Kosterlitz Thouless theory
Quantum Mechanics I
Prof. S.H. Patil
IIT Bombay
Chapter 1 : Prelude to Quantum theory
Chapter 2 : Introduction to Quantum ideas
Chapter 3 : Elements of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 4 : Quantum mechanics in 1-dimension
Chapter 5 : Quantum mechanics in 2-dimension
Chapter 6 : Quantum mechanics in 3-dimension
Chapter 7 :Miscellaneous topics
Special Theory of Relativity
Prof. Shiva Prasad
IIT Bombay
L1-Problem with Classical Physics
L2-Michelson-Morley Experiment
L3-Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity and Galilean Transformation
L4-Look out for a New Transformation
L5-Lorentz Transformation
L6-Length Contraction and Time Dilation
L7-Examples of Length Contraction and Time Dilation
L8-Velocity Transformation and Examples
L9-A Three Event Problem
L10-A Problem involving Light and Concept of Casuality
L11-Problems involving Casuality and Need to Redefine Momentum
L12-Minikowski Space and Four Vectors
L13-Proper Time a Four Scalar
L14-Velocity Four Vector
L15-Momentum Energy Four Vector
L16-Relook at Collision Problems
L17-Zero Rest Mass Particle and Photon
L18-Doppler Effect in Light
L19-Example in C-Frame
L20-Force in Relativity
L21-Force Four-Vector
L22-Electric & Magnetic Field Transformation
L23-Example of EM Field Transformation
L24-Current Density Four Vector and Maxwell Equation
Prof. P.P. Singh,Prof. A.V. Mahajan
IIT Bombay
Lecture 1: Historical review and a survey of properties of superconductors.
Lecture 1: Electrical conductivity and heat capacity followed by problem solving
Lecture 2: Magnetic susceptibility and Hall Effect followed by problem solving
Lecture 1: Two fluid model for superconductivity and London equations
Lecture 2: Solution of London equations and free energy calculations
Lecture 1: Basic thermodynamics and magnetism
Lecture 2: Application to the superconducting transition followed by problem solving
Lecture 1: Free energy formulation
Lecture 2: Determination of coefficients Alpha and Beta in the absence of fields and gradients
Lecture 3: GL equations in presence of fields currents and gradients
Lecture 4: Coherence length, flux quantum, field penetration in a slab
Lecture 5: Type II superconductivity, fluxoid quantisation
Lecture 6: Critical field of thin films
Lecture 7: Field and order parameter variation inside a vortex
Lecture 1: Cooper-Pair Problem: Schroedinger Equation for Two Interacting Electrons
Lecture 2: Cooper-Pair Problem: Solution for Zero Center-of-Mass Momentum
Lecture 3: Cooper-Pair Problem: Bound States
Lecture 4: Spatial Extent of Cooper-Pair Wavefunction
Lecture 5: Cooper-Pair Problem Using Second Quantization
Lecture 6: Electron-Phonon Interaction in Metals
Lecture 7: Macroscopic Coherent States of Harmonic Oscillator
Lecture 8: BCS Theory: BCS Wavefunction
Lecture 9: BCS Wavefunction in terms of 2m-particle states
Lecture 10: Number of Particles and Phase as Canonically Conjugate Variables
Lecture 11: BCS Reduced Hamiltonian
Lecture 12: Variational Determination of the Energy of the BCS Ground State.
Lecture 13: Elementary Excitations and the Bogoliubov-Valatin Transformation
Lecture 14: Bogoliubov-Valatin Canonical Transformation and the Model Hamiltonian
Lecture 15: Superconducting Energy Gap and Its Temperature Dependence
Lecture 16: Superconducting Transition Temperature
Lecture 17: Heat Capacity and other Thermodynamic Properties
Lecture 1: Quasiparticle Tunneling: Energy-Level Diagrams
Lecture 2: Quasiparticle Tunneling: Microscopic Theory
Lecture 3: Pair Tunneling and the Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
Lecture 4: Pair Tunneling, Modified Bogoliubov-Valatin Transformation and the Josephson Effects
Lecture 1 : Equivalent circuit for Josephson junction and analysis
Lecture 2 : Josephson junctions in a field, SQUIDs and other application
Lecture 1: Experimental probes of superconductivity-1
Lecture 2 : Experimental probes of superconductivity-2
Lecture 1 : Unconventional superconductors
Prof. D.C. Dube
IIT Delhi
p-n diode
p-n Junction/Diode(Contd.)
p-n diode (contd.)
Diode Application
Reverse - bias (Contd.)
Transistors (Continue)
Transistors (Contd.)
Biasing a transistor unit 2 contd.
Biasing of transistor
H and R Parameters and their use in small amplifiers
Small signal amplifiers analysis using H - Parameters
Small signal amplifiers analysis using R - Parameters
R - analysis (Contd.)
Common Collector(CC) amplifier (Contd.)
Feedback in amplifiers, Feedback Configurations and multi stage amplifiers
Reduction in non-linear distortion
Input/Output impedances in negative feedback amplifiers (Contd.)
RC Coupled Amplifiers
RC Coupled Amplifiers (Contd.)
RC Coupled Amplifiers (Contd..)
FETs ans MOSFET (Contd.)
Depletion - MOSFET
Drain and transfer characteristic of E - MOSFET
Self Bias (Contd.) Design Procedure
FET/MOSFET Amplifiers and their Analysis
CMOS Inverter
CMOS Inverter (contd.)
Power Amplifier
Power Amplifier (contd.)
Power Amplifier (contd..)
Power Amplifier (contd...)
Differential and Operational Amplifier
Differential and Operational Amplifier (Contd.) dc and ac analysis
Differential and Operational Amplifier dc and ac analysis (Contd.)
Operational Amplifiers
Operational amplifiers in open loop (Contd.)
Summing Amplifiers
Frequency response of an intigration
Specification of OP Amplifiers
Nuclear Science & Engineering
Dr. Santanu Ghosh
IIT Delhi
Content and Lecture Plan[module 1]
Basic Properties of Nucleus [Lecture 1]
Shape of the Nucleus: Electric Moments and magnetic Moment [Lecture 2]
Binding Energy of a Nucleus [Lecture 3]
Examples with hints for lectures 1 to 3 [Lecture 4]
Liquid Drop Model: Nuclear Stability [Lecture 5]
Liquid Drop Model: Nuclear Stability (Contd.) [Lecture 6]
Magic Nuclei and Nuclear Shell Model [Lecture 7]
Examples with hints for lectures 5 to 7 [Lecture 8]
Bibliography [module 1]
Content and Lecture Plan[module 2]
Generation of energetic particles in accelerators [Lecture 1]
Interaction of photons with matter [Lecture 3]
Gas Detectors [Lecture 4]
Gas Detectors (Contd.)[Lecture 5]
Solid State Detector [Lecture 6]
Scintillation Detectors [Lecture 7]
Nuclear Electronics for Signal processing [Lecture 8]
Bibliography [module 2]
Contents and Lecture plans [module3]
Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactions, Reaction energy and Model [Lecture 1]
Reaction Cross section and Examples of various Nuclear Reactions [Lecture 2]
Fission Reaction Mechanism, Energy in Fission Reaction and Basic Formulation on Fission Reactor [Lecture 3]
Basic Design Aspects of a Fission Reactor [Lecture 4]
Basic Design Aspects of a Fission Reactor (Contd.)[Lecture 5]
Basic Fusion Process, Stellar Evolution and Fusion Reaction Rate [Lecture 6]
Fusion Reactions in the Plasma and Reactor Design Aspects [Lecture 7]
Various issues related to Tokamak and the present status [Lecture 8]
Bibliography [module 3]
Contents and Lecture plans [module4]
Basic Formulation of Radioactivity [Lecture 1]
Theory of Successive Transformation and Radioactive Equilibrium [Lecture 2]
Basic Formulation on Radioactive Dating process [Lecture 3]
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry [Lecture 4]
Radiation Dosimetry and Interaction of Nuclear Radiation with Biological Specimen [Lecture 5]
Radioisotopes and Their Use in Medical Diagnostics [Lecture 6]
Nuclear Radiation Based Therapy [Lecture 7]
Practical Examples Related To Above Topics [Lecture 8]
Bibliography [module 4]
Interaction of energetic charged particles with matter [Lecture 2]
Contents and Lecture plans [module5]
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) [Lecture 1]
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)(Continued) [Lecture 2]
Rutherford Back Scattering Spectrometry (RBS) [Lecture 3]
Rutherford Back Scattering Spectrometry (RBS) (Continued) [Lecture 4]
Nuclear reaction Analysis (NRA) [Lecture 5]
Nuclear reaction Analysis (NRA) (Continued) [Lecture 6]
Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE)[Lecture 7]
Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) (Continued) [Lecture 8]
Bibliography [module 5]
Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications
Prof. V.K. Tripathi,Prof. Vijayshri
IIT Delhi
Introduction to Plasmas
Plasma Response to fields: Fluid Equations
DC Conductivity and Negative Differential Conductivity
RF Conductivity of Plasma
RF Conductivity of Plasma Contd
Hall Effect, Cowling Effect and Cyclotron Resonance Heating
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Plasma
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Plasma Contd
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Inhomogeneous Plasma
Electrostatic Waves in Plasmas
Energy Flow with an Electrostatic Wave
Two Stream Instability
Relativistic electron Beam- Plasma Interaction
Cerenkov Free Electron Laser
Free Electron Laser
Free Electron Laser: Energy gain
Free Electron Laser: Wiggler Tapering and Compton Regime Operation
Weibel Instability
Rayleigh Taylor Instability
Single Particle Motion in Static Magnetic and Electric Fields
Plasma Physics Grad B and Curvature Drifts
Adiabatic Invariance of Magnetic Moment and Mirror confinement
Mirror machine
Thermonuclear fusion
Tokamak operation
Auxiliary heating and current drive in tokamak
Electromagnetic waves propagation in magnetise plasma
Longitudinal electromagnetic wave propagation cutoffs, resonances and faraday rotation
Electromagnetic propagation at oblique angles to magnetic field in a plasma
Low frequency EM waves magnetized plasma
Electrostatic waves in magnetized plasma
Ion acoustic, ion cyclotron and magneto sonic waves in magnetized plasma
VIasov theory of plasma waves
Landau damping and growth of waves
Landau damping and growth of waves Contd
Anomalous resistivity in a plasma
Diffusion in plasma
Diffusion in magnetized plasma
Surface plasma wave
Laser interaction with plasmas embedded with clusters
Current trends and epilogue
Quantum Electronics
Prof. K. Thyagarajan
IIT Delhi
Anisotropic Media
Anisotropic Media (Contd.)
Anisotropic Media (Contd..)
Nonlinear optical effects and nonlinear polarization
Non - Linear Optics (Contd.)
Non - Linear Optics (Contd..)
Non - Linear Optics (Contd...)
Non - Linear Optics (Contd....)
Non - Linear Optics - Quasi Phase Matching
Non - Linear Optics
Non Linear Optics contd
Non Linear Optics contd.
Non Linear Optics contd..
Non Linear Optics contd...
Non Linear Optics contd....
Non Linear Optics contd.....
Non Linear Optics contd......
Non Linear Optics contd.......
Third Order Non - Linear Effects
Third Order Non - Linear Effects(Contd.)
Third Order Non - Linear Effects(Contd..)
Third Order Non - Linear Effects(Contd...)
Review of Quantum Mechanics
Review of Quantum Mechanics (Contd.)
Review of Quantum Mechanics (Contd..)
Quantization of EM Field
Quantization of EM Field (Contd.)
Quantization of EM Field (Contd..)
Quantum States of EM Field
Quantum States of EM Field (Contd.)
Quantization of EM Field (Contd...)
Quantization of EM Field (Contd....)
Quantization of EM Field (Contd.....)
Quantization of EM Field (Contd......)
Quantization of EM Field (Contd.......)
Beam Splitter
Beam Splitter (Contd..)
Beam Splitter and Balanced Homodyning
Balanced Homodyning
Quantum Picture of Parametric Down Conversion
Quantum Mechanics and Applications
Prof. Ajoy Ghatak
IIT Delhi
Basic Quantum Mechanics I: Wave Particle Duality
Basic Quantum Mechanics II: The Schrodinger Equation and The Dirac Delta Function
Dirac Delta Function & Fourier Transforms
The Free Particle
Physical Interpretation of The Wave Function
Expectation Values & The Uncertainty Principle
The Free Particle (Contd.)
Interference Experiment & The Particle in a Box Problem
On Eigen Values and Eigen Functions of the 1 Dimensional Schrodinger Equation
Linear Harmonic Oscillator
Linear Harmonic Oscillator (Contd1.)
Linear Harmonic Oscillator (Contd2.)
Linear Harmonic Oscillator (Contd3.)
Tunneling through a Barrier
The 1-Dimensional Potential Wall & Particle in a Box
Particle in a Box and Density of States
The Angular Momentum Problem
The Angular Momentum Problem (Contd.)
The Hydrogen Atom Problem
The Two Body Problem
TheTwo Body Problem: The Hydrogen atom, The Deutron and The Diatomic Molecule
Two Body Problem: The Diatomic molecule (contd.) and the 3 Dimensional Oscillator
3d Oscillator & Dirac's Bra and Ket Algebra
Dirac�s Bra and Ket Algebra
Dirac�s Bra and Ket Algebra : The Linear Harmonic Oscillator
The Linear Harmonic Oscillator using Bra and Ket Algebra (contd.)
The Linear Harmonic Oscillator: Coherent State and Relationship with the Classical Oscillator
Coherent State and Relationship with the Classical Oscillator
Angular Momentum Problem using Operator Algebra
Angular Momentum Problem (contd.)
Pauli Spin Matrices and The Stern Gerlach Experiment
The Larmor Precession and NMR Spherical Harmonics using Operator Algebra
Addition of Angular Momentum: Clebsch Gordon Coefficient
Clebsch Gordon Coefficients
The JWKB Approximation
The JWKB Approximation: Use of Connection Formulae to solve Eigen value Problems.
The JWKB Approximation: Use of Connection Formulae to calculate Tunneling Probability.
The JWKB Approximation: Tunneling Probability Calculations and Applications.
The JWKB Approximation: Justification of the Connection Formulae
Time Independent Perturbation Theory
Time Independent Perturbation Theory (Contd.1)
Time Independent Perturbation Theory (Contd.2)
Fundamental concepts of semiconductors
Dr. G. Vijaya Prakash
IIT Delhi
Crystal Structure
Dynamics of electrons in periodic potential
Band gaps in semiconductors
Holes and effective mass concept
Density of states
Extrinsic semiconductors
Degenerate and non-degenerate semiconductors
Scattering Phenomena
Macroscopic Transport
Carrier transport
Optical processes in semiconductors(Introduction)
Optical absorption transitions in semiconductors ( e-h pair production):
Radiative and nonradiative recombination process
Overall carrier transport process
Semiconductor as a device (Introduction)
Fabrication of devices
Principles of p-n junctions (homo-junctions):
Semiconductor Optoelectronics
Prof. M. R. Shenoy
IIT Delhi
Context and Scope of the Course
Energy Bands in Solids
E-K Diagram
The Density of States
The Density of States (contd..)
The Density of states in a Quantum well Structure
Occupation Probability and Carrier Concentration
Carrier Concentration and Fermi Level
Quasi Fermi Levels
Semiconductor Materials
Semiconductor Hetrostructures-Lattice-Matched Layers
Strained -Layer Epitaxy and Quantum Well Structures
Bandgap Engineering
Hetrostructure p-n junctions
Schottky Junction and Ohmic Contacts
Fabrication of Heterostructure Devices
Interaction od Photons with Electrons and Holes in a Semiconductor
Optical Joint Density of States
Rates of Emission and Absorption
Amplication by Stimulated Emission
The Semiconductor (Laser) Amplifier
Absorption Spectrum of Semiconductor
Gain and Absorption Spectrum of Quantum Well Structures
Electro-absorption Modulator
Electro-absorption Modulator - II Device Configuration
Mid-Term Revision Question and Discussion
Part - III Semiconductor Light Sources
Light Emitting Diode-I Device Structure and Parameters
Light Emitting Diode-II Device Chracteristics
Light Emitting Diode-III Output Characteristics
Light Emitting Diode-IV Modulation Bandwidth
Light Emitting Diode-V materials and Applications
Laser Basics
Semiconductor Laser - I Device Structure
Semiconductor Laser - II Output Characteristics
Semiconductor Laser - III Single Frequency Lasers
Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL)
Quantum Well Laser
Practical Laser Diodes and Handling
General Characteristics of Photodetectors
Responsivity and Impulse Response
Semiconductor Photo-Diodes
Semiconductor Photo-Diodes -II : APD
Other Photodectors
Photonic Integrated Circuits
Advanced Statistical Mechanics
Dr. S.B. Santra
IIT Guwahati
Specification of macrostates and microstates
Statistical ensembles
Thermodynamics in different ensembles
Nature of Particles and Statistics
Thermodynamic Stability, positive response function and convexity of free energy
Continuous Phase transition or Critical phenomena
Morphology, fluctuation and correlation
Correlation in terms of fluctuation and response
Critical exponents
Values of Critical exponents and their characteristics
How to proceed?
Spin-1/2 Ising Model
Two dimensional Ising Model
Spin-1 Ising Model
Models and universality
Mean field theory for Fluids
Determination of critical point and the critical exponents
Mean field theory for magnetic systems
Solution of Mean field equation of state
Determination of Mean field critical exponents
Critical exponents of correlation length and correlation function
Bethe approximation
Bethe approximation for Ising model on 2-dimensional square lattice
Landau theory of phase transition
Critical behavior with Landau potential
The methodology
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T
Isothermal susceptibility
High Temperature series expansion
Two-dimensional Ising Model
Duality transformation and Determination of Tc
Extrapolation methods of a series
Monte Carlo Technique for Physical Systems
Markov chain
MC simulation of Ising Model
Homogeneous Function
Scaling hypothesis and Free energy function
Renormalization Group (RG)
RG Operation
Free Energy as generalized homogeneous function
Determination of critical exponents
Application of RG to 1-d spin 1/2 Ising Model
Determination of fixed point
Physics of Magnetic Recording and Recording Media
Dr. A. Perumal,Prof. A. Srinivasan
IIT Guwahati
History and overview of magnetic recording
Magnetic Tapes
Magnetic Anisotropy 1
Magnetic Anisotropy 2
Soft and Hard magnetic materials and Stoner-Wohlfarth theory
Electronic structure of normal metals
Ferromagnetic metals and Half metals : I
Ferromagnetic metals and Half metals : II
Spin dependent scattering
Spin polarization
The Writing process
Nature of the transitions in the writing process: I
Nature of the transitions in the writing process : II
Model for the writing process
Effect of imaging from the head and the relaxation of transition parameter
Different types of writing process
The Read back Voltage
Readback from a single transition
Pulse width and Current Optimization
Magnetoresistive readback
Magnetic Circuits and Eddy Current losses
Selection of Core Materials
Magnetoresistance Head
Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Head
Giant Magnetoresistance Head
Spin valve based GMR Head
Tunnelling Magnetoresistance Head
DISK Drive Assembly, Writing and Reading process
Reading and Writing process
Perpendicular Head Fields
Magnetic recording media and its requirements
Particulate and Thin Film Media
Media Substrates
Patterned Media
Properties of magnetic thin films: Part 1
Properties of magnetic thin films: Part 2
Properties of magnetic thin films: Part 3
Properties of magnetic thin films: Part 4
Future projection on magnetic recording
Trilemma in magnetic recording
Patterning Media
Spintronics: Physics and Technology
Dr. A. Perumal
IIT Guwahati
The Early History of Spin
: Quantum Mechanics of Spin
Spin - Orbit interaction
Spin - Orbit interaction in solids
Spin Relaxation
Spin relaxation mechanisms I
Spin relaxation mechanisms II
Basic Electron Transport
Basic Electron Transport in thin films
Conduction in Discontinuous films
Magneto Resistance
Spin dependent scattering, Giant Magneto resistance
Giant Magneto resistance Theory
Spin dependent tunneling, Tunnel Magnetoresistance
Effect of various paramaters on Tunnel Magneto resistance
Introduction to Andreev Reflection
Spin polarization, Basic theory of Andreev reflections
Basic theory of Andreev reflections
Andreev Reflection at ferromagnet and Superconductor
Spin transfer torques - I
Spin transfer torques � II
Spin transfer torques � III
Magnetic domain walls
Ratchet effect in domain wall motion
Domain wall motion
Domain wall scattering
Spin injection, Spin accummulation and Spin current - I
Spin injection, Spin accummulation and Spin current � II
Silicon based spin electronic devices - I
Silicon based spin electronic devices � II
Spin LED: Fundamental and applications - I
Spin-injection Contacts
Spin photoelectronic devices - I
Spin photoelectronic devices � II
Electron Spin Filtering - I
Electron Spin Filtering � II
Deposition and Fabrication Techniques - I
Deposition and Fabrication Techniques � II
Deposition and Fabrication Techniques � III
Deposition and Fabrication Techniques � IV
Spin-Valve and Spin-Tunneling and Sensor Devices
Nuclear Physics: Fundamentals and Applications
Prof. H.C. Verma
IIT Kanpur
Lecture-01-Brief Overview of the course
Lecture-02-Nuclear Size
Lecture-03-Nuclear Size Cont..
Lecture-04-Nuclear Size Cont..
Lecture-05-Semi empirical Mass Formula
Lecture-06-Semi empirical Mass Formula Cont..
Lecture-07-Semi empirical Mass Formula Cont..
Lecture-08-Semi empirical Mass Formula Cont..
Lecture-09-Semi empirical Mass Formula Cont..
Lecture-10-How are Neutron stars bound
Lecture-12-Deuteron Cont..
Lecture-13-Deuteron Cont..
Lecture-14-Scattering of nucleons
Lecture-15-Low energy n-p scattering
Lecture-16-Theories of nuclear forces
Lecture-17-Shell model
Lecture-18-Shell model Contd..
Lecture-19-Shell model Contd..
Lecture-20-Shell model Contd..
Lecture-21-Shell model Contd..
Lecture-22-Collective models
Lecture-23-Vibrational and Rotational levels
Lecture-24-Radioactivity, Alpha Decay
Lecture-25-Alpha decay Contd..
Lecture-26-Beta decay
Lecture-27-Beta decay Contd..
Lecture-28-Beta decay Contd..
Lecture-29-Gamma decay
Lecture-30-Nuclear Reactions
Lecture-31-Nuclear reaction Contd..
Lecture-32-Nuclear reaction Contd..
Lecture-33-Nuclear Fission basics
Lecture-34-Nuclear fission of uranium
Lecture-35-Nuclear Fission Reactor
Lecture-36-Nuclear Energy Programme of India
Lecture-37-Nuclear Fusion
Lecture-38-Nuclear fusion Contd..
Lecture-39-Thermonuclear fusion reactors
Lecture-40-Fusion reactions in Stars and stellar neutrinos
Lecture-41-Nucleosynthesis of elements in Stars
Lecture-42-Mossbauer Spectroscopy
Lecture-43-RBS, PIXE, NAA, Summary
Classical Field Theory
Prof. Suresh Govindarajan
IIT Madras
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
Lecture 12
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Lecture 25
Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Lecture 28
Lecture 29
Lecture 30
Lecture 31
Lecture 32
Lecture 33
Lecture 34
Lecture 35
Lecture 36
Lecture 37
Lecture 38
Lecture 39
Special Topics in Classical Mechanics
Prof. P.C. Deshmukh
IIT Madras
Course Overview
Equations of Motion(i)
Equations of Motion(ii)
Equations of Motion(iii)
Equations of Motion(iv)
Equations of Motion(v)
Oscillators, Resonances, Waves(i)
Oscillators, Resonances, Waves(ii)
Oscillators, Resonances, Waves(iii)
Oscillators, Resonances, Waves(iv)
Polar Coordinates(i)
Polar Coordinates(ii)
Dynamical Symmetry in the Kepler Problem(i)
Dynamical Symmetry in the Kepler Problem(ii)
Real Effects of Pseudo-Forces
Real Effects of Pseudo-Forces(ii)
Real Effects of Pseudo-Forces(iii)
Real Effects of Pseudo-Forces(iv)
Special Theory of Relativity(i)
Special Theory of Relativity(ii)
Special Theory of Relativity(iii)
Special Theory of Relativity(iv)
Potentials Gradients Fields(i)
Potentials Gradients Fields(ii)
Potentials Gradients Fields(iii)
Gauss Law Eq of continuity(i)
Gauss Law Eq of continuity(ii)
Gauss Law Eq of continuity(iii)
Fluid Flow Bernoulli Principle (i)
Fluid Flow Bernoulli Principle (ii)
Classical Electrodynamics (i)
Classical Electrodynamics (ii)
Classical Electrodynamics (iii)
Classical Electrodynamics (iv)
Chaotic Dynamical Systems (i)
Chaotic Dynamical Systems (ii)
Chaotic Dynamical Systems (iii)
Chaotic Dynamical Systems (iv)
Chaotic Dynamical Systems (v)
The Scope and Limitations of Classical Mechanics
Osillation and Wave
Prof. S.P. Kastagir Prof. S. Bharadwaj
IIT Kharagpur
The Damped Oscillator
The Damped Oscillator-II
Oscillator with external forcing-I
Oscillator with external forcing-II
Coupled Oscillators
Sinusoidal Waves
Electromagnetic Waves-I
Electromagnetic Waves-II
The vector nature of electromagnetic radiation
The Spectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation
Diffraction- II
X-ray Diffraction
The wave equation-I
The wave equation-II
The wave equation-III
Wave-particle duality-I
Wave-particle duality-II
Interpreting the electron wave
Basic Postulates
Operators in Quantum Mechanics
Algebra of Operators
Uncertainty relation
Particle in a potential
Particle in a box (Contd.)
Step potentials
Step potentials
Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
Prof. V. Balakrishnan
IIT Madras